Childcare Grants:For Single Moms,Working Mothers Assistance - Grants For Single Moms-Free and Approved


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May 25, 2020

Childcare Grants:For Single Moms,Working Mothers Assistance

Childcare grants assistance for single moms- Single working mothers being the sole wage earner of the family need to remain out of home for a long duration of time. This means that a secured shelter or a reliable person is required for the care of the children. Whether it’s a babysitter or childcare the expenses are tough to bear and also consume a major portion of the income earned.

The government, state, nonprofits, charities, and private organizations offer childcare grants and cash assistance to single working mothers, enabling them to opt for recognized, quality and affordable daycare for their kids.

Child Care Assistance that Single Working Mothers Can Apply for

State Assistance

Different states offer varied types of childcare grants for working single moms based on income level, age of the kids and location. These are usually co-pay programs where the state and applicants together pay for the childcare costs. Moreover, the local communities also offer assistance for which single mothers can gather information from the Department of Human Resources.

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daycare grants for single moms

Head Start

Newly born babies to children up to 5 years of low-income families can receive childcare assistance from Head Start. Administered by the Department of Health and Human Services, the grant program also provides educational, health and nutritional services to families with an income level below 130% of the set federal poverty level.

Childcare Grants For Single Working Mothers

Child Care Development Fund

It is an essential source of childcare funding for financially deprived working single mothers. Aiming for the upgrading of childcare services, it grants almost $5.2 billion to territories, states and counties that enable approximately 1.8 million kids to receive daycare facilities per month.

Child Care Aware® Of America

Single mothers seeking childcare services can locate such agencies in their locality or ZIP code through the Child Care Aware® of America. It is a platform for single mothers and childcare providers to meet and discuss their needs and services respectively.

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Local Church and Private Child Care Assistance

Besides the state and the federal grants, even churches, private schools, and colleges offer childcare assistance for single parents. Single working moms who volunteer for church activities may receive childcare benefits at no or low cost. Moreover, college or university enrolled mothers can also qualify for free daycare services, where the children are taken care of while the moms attend their classes.

All you need to do is fill up a form stating your financial condition, your need for childcare services and the reason for which you can’t afford a state, federal or private daycare service.

Single working mothers can now carry on with their job or education with ease with these plethora of childcare grants and help available. Additionally, they can also opt for the Child Support Program that rightfully and legally ascertains their right to claim child maintenance cost from the father. Mothers rejected from the assistance program must report to the local or the state law authorities who handle the Child Support program and aid in attaining the unpaid money for her child. Start applying now.

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