Single mother grants for utility bills and heating assistance: pay off utility bills, debts-forget your financial worries and get your utility and heating grants to pay off energy and heating oil costs to experience comfortable winters.
Single mothers having financial worries and due utility bills can seek for utility and heating grants. The grants are available from varied sources like community organizations, utility companies, heating oil companies and state or federal government.
These help in covering the cooling-heating and other energy costs thus, preventing disconnection of services. Read on to know the utility and heating grants for single moms available for you.
Federal Utility Bill Grants For Single Moms
Weatherization Program: WAP facilitates in home repairs, furnace repairing, wall and attic insulation, weather stripping, home up-gradation work and other energy saving measures for low income families.
Administered by the U.S. Department of Energy, the grants are allocated to state governments, nonprofits and community agencies and then granted to eligible applicants. Single mothers can now make their homes energy efficient and upgrade them for reduced energy bills.
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Heating Repair Replacement Program (HARRP): provided along with WAP, HARRP helps in repairing and/or replacement of furnaces, heating units or appliances.
Low Income Home Energy Assistance Program (LIHEAP) Block Grant: funded by the Federal Department of Health and Human Services (DHHS), the program offers two types of services. First, funds are given to offset cooling and heating costs; second weatherization services are offered for home energy efficiency.
The Home Energy Assistance Program (HEAP): single moms requiring cash assistance for their utility bills and/or heating and cooling bills can apply with the HEAP
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LIHEAP Crisis Program: in emergency situations single mothers can contact local county assistance office for the grant program. It offers monetary help for fuel shortage, insufficient heating oil, broken equipment, heating source blockage, leaking lines etc. The energy companies are paid directly for the unpaid bills.
Heating Bill Grants For Single Mothers
Free Home Heating Oil: free or discounted heating oil is provided to low income families by the Citizens Energy Oil Heat Program.
Heating Oil Buying Network: companies that offer heating oil usually have a wholesale heating oil club that offers disadvantaged families with heating oil at reduced rate.
Citizens Energy: it’s a gas and utility company that provides discounted and/or fee heating oil and fuel to different states. Single mothers facing financial hardships can get help with their heating bills.
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Joe-4-Oil Heat Program: it gives away free 100 gallons heating oil to needy families one time per heating season to needy families. No citizenship or immigration status proof is needed.
Winter Protection Plans: during colder months utility companies, nonprofits and local agencies offer special programs. These are seasonal services given specially to families having disabled members, senior members, sick persons or children.
It protects families from disconnection or shut off of heating resources or utility services and also suggests some payment options or plans to compensate the due bills.
Single Mother Assistance from Utility Companies
Single moms can also seek help from utility companies to clear their utility bills. These companies have their offices in almost all states and have special payment schemes, subsidized rates, discounts and plans to compensate the amounts. Get help from programs like Restructuring of Payment Plans, Special Winter Protection Plans and Free Energy Audit.
Assistance is also offered by nonprofits like The National Fuel Funds Network, Community Action Agencies, Operation Roundup and Salvation Family Emergency Services. Start applying now for your utility and heating bills.
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